When you look at fitness, you need to remember that it encompasses more than just exercising with weights and eating right. It is not just limited to strength or endurance. Fitness combines all of these elements and more. To achieve fitness you need to balance all of its components. The Phoenix One Five (5) Elements of Fitness are outlined in the next session.

Element One

Body Comp Nutrition Program

The nutrition element considers the ratio of lean body mass to fat. Lean body mass represents the weight of water, muscle, bone, and internal organs. The body fat represents the remaining fat tissue and is expressed as a percentage of total body weight. Because muscle weighs more than fat, it is important to measure your body composition rather than your body weight when evaluating your fitness level. Body composition in the Phoenix One program is measured by using body calipers to measure millimeters of fat.

Element Two

Strength Training

This is the muscle’s ability to exert force for a brief span of time by lifting weights. Strength training is the key to weight loss and maintenance. Phoenix One will design a strength training program to help you to achieve your fitness goal.

Element Three

Cardiorespiratory Training

Cardiorespiratory endurance is the body’s ability, over sustained periods of physical activity, to remove waste and to deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues. To measure cardiorespiratory endurance, your one (1) minute heart rate is taken. For fat loss, your Phoenix One lifestyle coach will give you a heart rate parameter for optimal fat burning.

Element Four

Core Training

All of the abdominal muscles are important, but in core exercise programs extra emphasis is placed on the transverse abdomen muscle, which is the deepest abdominal muscle that stabilizes the pelvis and lower back. Because we tend to be sedentary and inactive, the lower back becomes weak. Simple lower back exercises are a key component of any core workout routine. Later in the manual, you will see diagrams of Phoenix One’s suggested core exercises.

Element Five

Flexibility Training

This is the ability to move joints and use muscles through their full range of motion. By performing a simple motion and observing how far you can go, you can assess the flexibility of each part of your body. Later in your manual, you will see diagrams of Phoenix One’s suggested flexibility exercises.

If you’d like to learn more about these five elements and how best to leverage them to meet your goals, contact us today!